Sunday, August 25, 2019

It bears repeating...

Sometimes I think I am simply over being “nice”. It has become synonymous with “weak” and “masked” and “false”. Thus, the compulsion to “be nice” whether internal or external results in an inability to say anything of real value in my writing.

This is not to conflate “nice” with “loving” which is something completely different and also very necessary. We are commanded in 1 Peter 3:15 not only to be prepared to give reason for the hope that is in us as believers but to do so with gentleness and respect. That attitude of love behind our words is of immense importance but take a look at Peter’s words and actions throughout the book of Acts and you will find the man knew how to call sinners to repentance and when “nice” wasn’t going to cut it.

I often find myself trying so hard to clarify and protect against being misunderstood that I never actually get to say anything. Or I think through all the nasty things people might say and I clam up. That is part of why you don’t see me blogging anymore. That is part of why I have been off of social media for the better part of the last year. Who can dare to raise their voice for truth in a culture that insists that we tailor our speech to avoid any form of offense?

Well as I said, I’m over it. I am so far from perfection and certain that some of my thinking is flawed but God has seen fit to give me a world of experience and education so who am I to sit on that and stand by inactive for fear of exposure?

I have traveled the world, spent three years living in Europe, taken a mission to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and served for a full year in Afghanistan. I have years of experience as a non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy. I have two master’s degrees and I am generally well read. I have created art on stage and have served as CEO of a $5M/year non-profit ministry. I am a published and produced playwright and most importantly a husband and father. I have sinned and received grace and I have been sinned against and learned to forgive.

I’m just saying, I have some things to say.

Foremost is this and I hope I can express this every time I sit down to write: None of my experience, accomplishments, or goals mean anything apart from my identity as a child of God.
I believe the words I read in the Bible and in God’s Word I learn that I am a sinner. That there is a standard of holiness to which I have never matched up, not even from the moment of my birth. My sin disqualifies me from existence in God’s presence for how can what is impure withstand before the Holy?

God is sovereign and omniscient. He knows all that was or ever will be. He knew man’s heart would continually turn to rebellion to His commands and yet he still proclaimed it “good” to make man in His own image. God’s “good” clearly transcends man’s common understanding of the concept.

What is overwhelming to me each time I consider it is that God, in His divine decree provided a way of atonement for sinful man from the outset. Genesis 3, moments after the fall of man, God gives the first messianic prophecy. The first chapters of Leviticus, a book often criticized as legalistic when quoted, are God explaining the way of atonement for the inevitable times when His people will mess up. It brings God glory to bring man into communion with Himself. He does not leave us to our sin.

And when the fullness of time had come, God sent His Son, his own self—Jesus to be the ultimate fulfillment of the law. The ultimate atonement for the sins of man. The fulfillment of Old testament prophecy. He bore the consequence of our sin on the cross and became the final sacrifice for our sin. Having no sin of his own, death could not hold Him, and he rose victorious over the grave and reigns over heaven and earth.

Two thousand years before I was born, Jesus bore my sin on the cross. That through the salvation of sinners like me, undeserving of grace, glory would be brought to the Father. I have value only because the Creator of the Universe loved a wretched sinner like me and offered redemption when damnation was my due.

And this is not good news for me alone, it is good news for humanity! Man’s search for meaning is culminated in finding our identity in Jesus Christ. Only in Him do we find true love, true joy, true hope and true peace.

If we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that Jesus is Lord, God has promised to save us, to wash our sins away and redeem us. With such a confession we are called to turn away from all that separates us from God and walk in the light of truth.

Life on earth is still hard. There is still illness and injustice. It is a world marred by sin. But as followers of Jesus our joy rests in the knowledge that our reward is in heaven and that we can endure all things through Christ who strengthens us.

The hardness, the “not nice” of this message, is that if we take Jesus at His word, and we must, then there is only one truth, one way to salvation. We can’t work it out on our own or get there by another path. And in placing our trust and faith in Him, we must die to ourselves. Put off the old man as it were. Yes Christ paid the ultimate price for our sin, but to follow him still requires us to walk away from our own desires and take up our cross and follow Him. People don’t like hearing that, but it is a vital matter we must work through to let go of control in order to truly know Him.

I invite you to seek the truth of Jesus Christ for yourself through the scriptures and to place your trust in Him. Connect with other Christians and join me on this narrow path as we die to self in order to be alive in Christ.